Stock Investing & Stock Market Research

The Motley Fool

The Motley Fool has been providing investing insights and financial advice to millions of people for over 25 years. Learn how we make the world Smarter, Happier & Richer.

About Motley Fool

The Motley Fool is an investment and financial advising service that offers a range of paid investing newsletters and platforms that you can use to enhance your investing services. The Motley Fool’s primary offering is its Stock Advisor platform, which provides you with stock picks, access to research reports, a community forum and more. Additional newsletters and platforms focused on retirement advice and stocks with high-growth potential are also available.

A paid stock choice newsletter from The Motley Fool might be right for you if you’re looking for straightforward recommendations with proven track records of results. However, some of the company’s offerings can be prohibitively expensive — and with an especially volatile market, now might not be the best time to buy.


What You Get with Motley Fool Stock Advisor

With the Stock Advisor membership, you get:

  • 2 new stock picks every month
  • 10 Best Buys Now picks for current timely investment opportunities
  • Starter Stocks recommendations to build your portfolio
  • Dozens of stock reports written by experts
  • Instant alerts for buying or selling recommendations
  • Full library of all their published content, including articles, videos, and eBooks
  • Online community of investors to share and learn from

You get detailed reports outlining the investment thesis and why that stock is a top pick. This can help you decide if the stock fits in your portfolio.

Who Motley Fool Stock Advisor is Best For

The Stock Advisor service is for:

  • Long term investors who plan to hold their stocks for least 5 years
  • DIY investors who manage their own portfolios
  • New investors who are not sure what to invest in
  • Busy investors who don't have time to do their own stock research

Motley Fool Stock Advisor is NOT for day traders. They use the buy-and-hold investing strategy. They pick stocks that they believe will perform well over the long term.

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Making the world smarter, happier, and richer

The Motley Fool helps millions of people attain financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio show, and premium investing services.